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    文章來源: 文章類型: 內容分類:

      薛榮久為對外經濟貿易大學資深教授,博士生導師,國際貿易學科帶頭人; 擔任中國世界貿易組織研究會特聘副會長,北京市政府顧問,中國貿促會特約顧問,中國國際經濟關系學會和美國經濟學會常務理事,兼任南開大學、中山大學等大學教授,享受國務院特殊津貼。


    Mr.Xue Rongjiu


    Vice Chairman, China Society for WTO Studies

      Xue Rongjiu is the professor and doctorial tutor of University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), the leader of foreign trade study, one of the first batch of Beijing Famous Teachers of Higher Education, and also the state-level expert with outstanding contributions, enjoying special state allowance from the State Council.

      He also holds the position of Vice-Chairman of China Society for World Trade Organization Studies, Director (science) of UIBE’s (University of International and Business Studies) World Trade Organization Research Center, the key humanities and social sciences research base of the Ministry of Education, specially invited advisor of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Counselor of Shanghai WTO Affairs Consultation Center, Senior Counselor of Shenzhen WTO Affairs Center, Counselor of Hong Kong WTO Research Center, Counselor of Beijing Municipal Government, Standing Director of International Economic Studies Society, Standing Director of American Economic Association, and Counselor of Research Center on Transnational Corporations.

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      地 址:對外經濟貿易大學逸夫科研樓608 朝陽區惠新東街10號
      Add: Suite 608, Yifu Research Bldg., No. 10, Huixin Dongjie, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100029, China
      郵 編:100029
      電 話:64493232
      傳 真:84255122
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